Sunday, 18 March 2018

Rail Replacement 17/3/18

I've been hiding away at home when there has been Rail Replacement Buses in my local area until yesterday. I knew nothing about it until I saw a few Buses go past me when I was on the Bus which weren't from the area. I knew I had to get down to that station and get those photos. This particular Replacement had a big surprise on it which was one of the Winchester MMCs which was on loan to Portsmouth for the day for the rail showed up and I was so surpised that it showed up in Eastbourne.

The Rail Replacement was between Eastbourne and Lewes and the local Companies were using Buses on it as well as Southern Transit, Stagecoach South and Go-Ahead London. This led to the train station being turned into a Bus park/Bus station for the day. The main stars in the station were East Lancs 755 and E200 403 both belonging to Seaford and District a really friendly and popular independent in East Sussex. They stood out the most from everyone else that was there. Here are the Buses fleet numbers I was able to photograph. 

Seaford and District:
Stagecoach South: 
Southern Transit 
This used to be with Go-South Coast in Dorset is Seaford and District East Lancs 755 (SE51 SEA).

The biggest surprise of the afternoon was Winchester MMC on loan to Portsmouth for the Rail 10893 photographed with 403 behind I wasn't expecting this to show up.

After an absence from Eastbourne Rail Replacement, Southern Transit Trident ALX400 TA386 (Y386 NHK) waits for its next journey.

After last weeks failed photo of a Bus in BH4 I was able to get a good photo of one of route 6 branded Buses with BH4 route 6 branding Brighton&Hove Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 404 (BJ11 XHD) drops off passengers. 

My aim for sometime was to get a photo of the Seaford and District E200 after I missed it last week, I was able to photograph it this week here is 403 (YX09 FLK) about to work its next trip.

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