Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Southern England Bus enthusiast on tour part 3 Norwich

What a journey it was I went to seaside towns as well as a bustling city to photograph the Buses which operate in those areas. The final part of the series shows some of the Buses which operate in Norwich under many different operators. The operators I photographed in Norwich were First, Simmonds, Sanders and Konectbus. The Bus types include Geminis, MCVs, Presidents, East Lancs and Enviro400s. Every single one of these Buses I really needed and some of them were different operators for me to photograph.

My Bus to Norwich to see these Buses was B9 Gemini 37569 AU58 ECN on the X2 a really nice route. I really enjoyed the ride and it was worth it in the end once I saw all of the Buses in the Bus station and surrounding city centre streets.

Branded for the Turquoise line is Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 36171 (BD11 CFU).

One of the MCVs works a route 1 these Buses aren't British they are Egyptian.

Go-Ahead are the other big company in Norwich KonectBus ADL Enviro400 636 (SN65 OAV) works the 37 series it's off route as it's branded for route 5.

Sanders Coaches operate some East Lancs like this 55 reg example on the 55.

First Norwich operate Volvo and Trident Presidents one of the Trident examples is seen on the purple line.

Another one of the Sanders East Lancs this time an 03 reg is seen loading.

Ex Leeds B9TL/Gemini 2 36181 (BF12 KXU) is branded for the Charcoal line here it is resting before taking up a Charcoal line.

Some Konectbus E400s look a real state on their rear but not elsewhere like one of the 61 reg examples on the X6.
I hope you enjoyed.

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