It is very nice to see different buses from elsewhere on loan it has been the case this week as it's Brighton mainline closure all week which means buses are needed on the rail replacement services. Quite a few buses went to help out resulting in many loans being brought in from elsewhere to cover normal services. The loan Buses were provided from Thanet, Dover, Folkestone and Ashford in between them they provided E300s and Scania E400s.
I was lucky enough to ride on some of them as well I went on E300s 27577 GX58 GKJ and 27579 GX58 GKL they were really good I also went on Scanias 15476 GN09 AZR, 15496 GN09 BCE and 15438 KX08 KZH 15476 and 15496 were really good but 15438 let me down.
Here are the photos of some of them:
E300 27579 GX58 GKL is seen on the 1A at the start of this week |
Meanwhile, E300 27577 GX58 GKJ was working the 1 which does a slightly different route to the 1A |
Scania 15475 GN09 AZP gets to work on the 1A at the start of the week |
Here is 15476 GN09 AZR on the 1 this is a good bus I liked it when I went on it |
Scania 15439 KX08 KZJ on the hill where I take my photos I'm not really that keen on these KX08s |
It let me down on the first ride however 15438 KX08 KZH impressed me on the second ride |
15478 GN09 AZU works my local route the Loop |
The best Decker I went on that was on loan was 15496 GN09 BCE photographed on the 1A |
15436 KX08 KZD goes down the hill |
I was able to capture most of the loan buses it has been nice seeing different buses down here.